Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Positive thinking can lead you to get success

Be positive yarr...!

     It is also spoken in a movie-No Entry- by Anil Kapoor.... Maybe all you will have seen this movies..

Ohkk.. Come to the point now, here we are going to talk about positive thinking. It sound good and mostly
we have often heard by somebody in our daily life But we just listen not Understand. 

I'll tell you several strategies to help you to think positive---

Firstly understand the difference between the power of positive and negative thinking..

Play along with me for a moment.
A Negative Thought - - Let's say that you're walking through the forest and suddenly a tiger steps onto the path ahead of you. When this happens, suddenly a thought come over your mind and that time your brain registers a negative emotion -- in this case, fear. 
You are focused entirely on the tiger, the fear it creates, for example, you run. The rest of the world doesn't matter. At that same moment, you might have the option to climb a tree, pick up a leaf, or grab a stick -- but your brain ignores all of those options because they seem irrelevant when a tiger is standing in front of you.

Your brain closes off from the outside world and focuses on the negative emotions of fear, anger, and stress. Negative emotions prevent your brain from seeing the other options and choices that surround you. It's your survival instinct.

A Positive Thought - - When you saw images of joy and contentment, wrote down a significantly higher number of actions that they would take, even when compared to the neutral group. 
In other words, when you are experiencing positive emotions like joy, contentment, and love, you will see more possibilities in your life. These findings were among the first that suggested positive emotions broaden your sense of possibility and open your mind up to more options.

But that was just the beginning. I'll tell you the 8 most important things Successful peoples talk about..

1. I can't do this
For those people who want to be successful always try to solve any type of problem. They never sit idle and say this word i cant do. They don't fear about failure, they just try to do that.

2. I don't know about this
When someone ask for the help, successful people never say this. Because ignorance doesn’t solve the problem. 

3. Excuse of not having money
You can't define success by money. happy and happiness is the definition of success. Money is something that brings comfort. 

4. Never stop learning
It doesn’t matter how old the successful people are. They don’t give up their learning or life. They think there is always a scope to learn from anywhere and anyone. They always try to get lesson from every difficult situation.

5.Early to bed Early to rise
 "Early to bed and early to rise" this phrase is always very true. Successful people do this regularly. They don’t sleep much and get up early to do their necessary jobs. They maintain a routine for sleep. 

6. Welcome the changes
Change is always better. Successful people don’t resist change. They welcome change for betterment. Strategies and tactics can change over time and flourished people accept them wholeheartedly.

7. Ignore the pessimists
Successful people don't care about what other people think about them. Successful people do their work with perfection and try to avoid taunts. Successful people let them come near who are going to make better in life.

8. Don't get stuck in past
Successful people always overcome the past. They don’t let their past to hole them. They learn lessons from past and do best to make things right at present.

 Never look down on anybody, unless you're helping him up - jesse jackson